The Memoirs of Cap. George Carleton, an English officer, who served in the two last wars against France and Spain, and was present in several engagements both in the fleet and army. - Containing an account of the conduct of the Earl of Peterborough, and other general officers, admirals, &c. and several remarkable transactions both by sea and land. In which the genius, pride, and barbarity of the spaniards, during the author's being a prisoner of war among them, are set in a true light. Together with a description of many of their cities, towns, &c. particularly Valencia, Barcelona, Molviedro, Saguntum, Alicant, Montserat, Denia, St. Clement de la Mancha, Madrid, Valadolid, Bilboa, St. Jean, de Luz, Bayonne, Pont d'Esprit, Pampelona, Saragoza, &c. Their manners and customs, both religious and civil; observations on their monasteries and nunneries, and their manner of investing nuns. Likewise their bull-feasts, and other publick diversions

Memoirs of an English officer
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Printed for Tho. Astley, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard MDCCXLIII. 1743 England, London [10],352p. 8⁰.
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